Thursday 6 October 2011

- Value of Tracheal tube in general anaethesia.

Value of Endotracheal tube During general anaethesia (1)

Endotracheal intubation may be considered in every patient receiving general anesthesia for the following purposes:..
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Tuesday 4 October 2011

- Criteria of hypersplenism.

Criteria of hypersplenism.
  1. Splenomegally.
  2. Cytopenias (mono or pan).
  3. Hypercellular bone marrow.
  4. Scanning with Cr51 labelled with RBCs>> reversed liver to spleen ratio.
  5. Splenectomy will improve the condition.
(A huge spleen after splenectomy for female patient with hypersplenism)

Dr Ibrahim samaha

Friday 30 September 2011

- Heel foreign body X-ray.

Heel foreign body X-ray.

A child presented to Mansoura Emergency Hospital by a needle in heel which not appear on the skin,An X-ray was made and shown this..
Dr Ibrahim samaha

Monday 26 September 2011

- Arterial Doppler Examination.

Arterial Doppler Examination.
An Arterial Doppler evaluates the arterial blood flow of the body. It is used many times to evaluate the arteries of the legs.

It may be ordered when there is suspicion on exam or with symptoms suggestive of blockage of the arteries.

There is no radiation for this test as it uses sound waves and pressure cuffs.

This video shows how to interpret vascular arterial doppler signal wave-forms in a simple and informative fashion.
This is educational especially in teaching how to better utilise a simple hand-held Doppler.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

- Acupuncture.

*Acupuncture is an alternative medicine methodology originating in ancient China that treats patients by manipulating thin, solid needles which have been inserted into acupuncture points in the skin.
The general theory of acupuncture is based on the premise that there are patterns of energy flow (Qi) through the body that are essential for health. Disruptions of this flow are believed to be responsible for disease. Acupuncture may correct imbalances of flow at identifiable points close to the skin. (1)

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Saturday 10 September 2011

- Sher's grading of abruptio placentae.

Sher's grading of abruptio placentae.
(according to severity)
  1. Grade I (Retrospective) Not recognized clinically before delivery: small retroplacental Haematoma discovered on maternal surface of placenta after delivery, No APH.
  2. Grade II mild vaginal bleeding,uterine tenderness and tetany, No fetal distress, no maternal shock.
  3. Grade III Severe vaginal bleeding, uterine tenderness and tetany, fetal distress then death, maternal shock, according to DIC:
                          IIIa:Without DIC
                          IIIb:With DIC
Dr Ibrahim
Return to list of medical grades (click here) 

Monday 5 September 2011

- Total Thyroidectomy.

Total Thyroidectomy.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

- Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (video).

Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (High definition video).
by George S. Gilliam...MD

- Eye signs of thyrotoxicosis.

Eye signs of thyrotoxicosis.
"DR Joffroy may validate symptoms"

  • Dalrymple sign:- rim of sclera is seen all around the cornea, on looking straight forward.

  • Rosenbach's sign:- fine tremor of the upper eyelids on slight closure of the eye.

  • Joffroy's sign:-lack of wrinkling of the forehead when a patient looks upward.

  • Moebius sign:- lack of convergence on looking to near object.

  • Von Graefe's sign (lid lag sign):-lagging of the upper eyelid on looking downward without movinh the head.

  • Stellwag's sign:-staring look with infrequent blinking.

Dr Ibrahim,,

Sunday 21 August 2011

- Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (video).

Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy.
This video depicts the surgical removal of the gallbladder using laparoscopic methods, by Mr. Michael Bickford.

Saturday 20 August 2011

- Hernia Repair Surgery video.

Hernia Repair Surgery video.
An educational video account of actual hernia repair surgery with Dr. David Albin, as well as general hernia information and information on our hernia surgeon and facility.

Sunday 7 August 2011

- Causes of gynecomastia.

Causes of gynecomastia.
  • Genetic : klinefelter syndrome.

  • Young boy (puberty): due to transient increase of plasma estradiol.

  • Neonate: due to persistent maternal or placental lactogens.

  • Estrogen and estrogen like drugs (e.g. digitalis).

  • Cirrohosis,Cimetidine,Cytotoxic drugs.

  • Old age(due to conversion of androgen to estrogen in extra glandular tissue),Overactive thyroid (Hyperthyroidism)

  • Myxedema,Marijuana.

  • Acromrgally.

  • Spironolactone,Steroids.

  • Tumour (e.g. testis,adrenal,bronchogenic carcinoma).

  • INH,Iron deposition in testis.

  • Alcoholism.

Friday 5 August 2011

- Cesarean Birth (C-section) Delivery & Birth.

Cesarean Birth (C-section) Delivery and Birth,, animation.
This 3D medical animation shows the common indications for a cesarean delivery, including:
  • Dystocia

  • Placenta previa

  • Fetal distress and multiple births.
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Wednesday 3 August 2011

- Appendicitis Surgery: Laparoscopic Appendectomy animation.

Appendicitis Surgery: Laparoscopic Appendectomy animation.
  • This appendicitis surgery animation shows appendix removal (appendectomy) using laparoscopic instruments.

  • The animation begins by showing an inflamed appendix (appendicitis), followed by the placement of the laparoscope.

  • Afterward, one can see the surgical device staple, cut and remove the inflamed appendix.

  • Following the removal of the appendix the abdomen is flushed with a sterile saline solutionto ensure all traces of infection have been removed.

Monday 1 August 2011

- Breast Cancer Surgery: Lumpectomy, Mastectomy.

Breast Cancer Surgery: Lumpectomy, Mastectomy animation.
This 3D patient education medical animation depicts various surgical procedures to remove breast cancer lumps and tumors.

The surgeries include:-
  • Lumpectomy

  • Simple mastectomy

  • Modified radical mastectomy

  • Radical mastectomy surgery.

Friday 29 July 2011

- Treatments for Breast Cancer.

Treatments for Breast Cancer animation.
This 3D medical animation outlines various treatment options for breast cancer, including:-
  • Surgery

  • Radiation therapy

  • Chemotherapy 

  • Hormone therapy

Wednesday 27 July 2011

- Laparoscopic Lysis of Abdominal Adhesions animation.

Laparoscopic Lysis of Abdominal Adhesions animation.
This 3D medical animation depicts how adhesions in the abdomen may cause complications. These problems may include obstruction, twisting, and dislocating areas of the small intestine.
Adhesions can be separated with laparoscopic instruments.

Tuesday 26 July 2011

- Breast Cancer Progression and Staging animation.

Breast Cancer Progression and Staging animation.
This 3D medical animation outlines the progression of breast cancer and describes the stage classifications based on the extent of the disease.

Monday 25 July 2011

- Breast Cancer Symptoms (animation).

Breast Cancer Symptoms (animation).
This 3D medical animation outlines various breast cancer symptoms such as:
  • Change in size or shape of breast

  • Nipple retraction

  • Dimpling of the skin of the breast/nipple

  • Nipple discharge.

Sunday 24 July 2011

- Breast Cancer: Anatomy of the Breast (animation).

Breast Cancer: Anatomy of the Breast (animation).
Knowing breast anatomy is important for early detection and prevention of breast cancer,,,

Friday 22 July 2011

- Inguinal Hernia Surgery Repair (animation).

Inguinal Hernia Surgery Repair (animation).
This 3D medical animation depicts the surgical repair of a direct, strangulated inguinal hernia using a laparoscope.
The animation of the surgery shows the placement of the laparascopic devices, location of the herniated abdominal mass, and placement of mesh graft to strengthen the fascia of the abdominal wall..

Wednesday 20 July 2011

- Gallbladder Surgery for Gallstones (animation).

Gallbladder Surgery for Gallstones.
This 3D medical animation shows minimally invasive gallbladder surgery, or cholecystectomy, using a laparoscope to remove gallstones. The animation begins by showing the normal anatomy of the liver and gallbladder. Over time, gallstones form within the gallbladder, blocking the cystic duct, and causing the gallbladder to become enlarged and inflamed. The procedure, sometimes called a "lap-chole", begins with the insertion of four trocar devices, which allow the physician to see inside the abdomen without making a large incision. Air is added to the abdominal cavity to make it easier to see the gall bladder. Next, we see a view through the laparascope, showing two surgical instruments grasping the gallbladder while a third severs the cystic duct. After the gallbladder is removed, the camera pans around to show that the cystic artery and vein, have already been clipped to prevent bleeding.

Monday 18 July 2011

- Gallbladder stone and surgery.

Gallbladder stone and surgery.
video shows normal function of gallbladder and then problems from gallstones and how laparoscopic surgery is done to remove gallbladder.

Sunday 17 July 2011

- Breast Tissue Biopsy.

Breast Tissue Biopsy.
This 3D medical animation shows several methods of breast tissue biopsy procedures including:
  • Needle biopsy.
  • Stereotactic core biopsy.
  • Ultrasound-guided core biopsy.
  • Surgical biopsy.

Friday 15 July 2011

- DVT Prevention animation.

DVT Prevention animation
This 3D medical animation explains how to prevent Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT or Deep Venous Thrombosis).

Monday 4 July 2011

- Total Knee Replacement (animation).

Total Knee Replacement 
This 3D medical animation shows knee replacement surgery with an artificial knee joint.

Saturday 2 July 2011

- Drugs interfering with woman sexual functioning.

Drugs interfering with woman sexual functioning.

"On batch"
Oral contraceptives.



Thiazide diuretics.

Dr Ibrahim

Wednesday 29 June 2011

- Factors affecting women sexual response.

Factors affecting women sexual response.

  • Pregnancy :- stress accompanying pregnancy affect sexual marital relationship.
  • Aging.
  • Illness either acute or chronic.
  • Infertility :- cause women to feel depressed and sexually undesirable.
  • Drugs which interferes with sexual functioning (click here) .

Dr Ibrahim

Saturday 25 June 2011

- Savary miller endoscopic grading of GORD.

 Savary miller endoscopic grading of GORD.

I-single erosive lesion.
II-multiple erosion lesion.
III-Circumferential erosion lesion.
IV-chronic lesions(ulcer,stricture,Short esophagus)
V-columnar epithelium (Barrett�s Epithelium).

Dr Ibrahim
Return to list of medical grades (click here) 

Wednesday 22 June 2011

- Lung Anatomy animation.

Lung Anatomy animation.
  • This 3D medical animation begins with a detailed description of the anatomy and physiology of the lungs (Pulmonary system).

  • It describes the pleura and diaphragm which aid in lung expansion.

  • The animation also deals with lung cancer and the role of lymph in transporting bacteria, allergens and cancer cells away from the lungs and to the lymph nodes.

Monday 20 June 2011

- Complications of reflux oesophagitis.

Complications of reflux oesophagitis.

Peptic Ulcer.

Short esophagus due to spasm of longitudinal muscles.
Stricture of esophagusdue due to spasm of longitudinal muscles.


Inhalation pneumonia from recurrent reflux.

Barretts oesophagus.

Monilial invasion with further mucosal damage.

Dr Ibrahim

Thursday 16 June 2011

- Causes of acute oesophagitis.

Causes of acute oesophagitis.
  • Burn (corrosive)
  • Infective(candidiasis,herpes virus)
  • Radiation
  • Drug induced (NSAIDs)
  • Specific diseases e.g. behcets syndrome.

Dr Ibrahim

Thursday 2 June 2011

- Hysterectomy animation.

Hysterectomy animation.
This 3D medical animation shows three different types of hysterectomy (surgical removal of the uterus). 

The different types of surgery include the abdominal, vaginal and laparascopic hysterectomy.

- Episiotomy animation.

Episiotomy animation.

Episiotomy is commonly performed during childbirth to prevent tearing of the perineum.

This 3D medical animation depicts two types of episiotomy during labor and delivery, a surgical procedure during vaginal birth in which an incision is made in the perineum to widen the vaginal opening,in order to allow a baby to pass through and be born.

Wednesday 1 June 2011

- External cephalic version (ECV) (video).

External cephalic version (ECV) (video).
This video shows an ECV to turn a breech baby to head-first. 
It is offered to women at 36-37 weeks and reduces the chance of needing caesarean section.

Thursday 26 May 2011

- Presentation:- Breech presentation.

Presentation:- Breech presentation.

By: Prof Dr Ahmed Badawy

In this presentation:-
  • Definition
  • Incidence
  • Aetiology
  • Types
  • Diagnosis
  • Mechanism of labour
  • Management

To download the presentation | Mediafire | click here

Tuesday 24 May 2011

- Presentation:- Face,brow presentation and transverse lie.

Face,brow presentation and transverse lie.
By: Prof Dr Ahmed Badawy

In this presentation:-
Face presentation:-
  • Definition
  • Incidence
  • Aetiology
  • Diagnosis
  • Mechanism of labour
  • Management
Brow presentation
  • Definition
  • Incidence
  • Aetiology
  • Management

Transverse lie
  • Definition
  • Incidence
  • Aetiology
  • Diagnosis
  • Mechanism of labour
  • Management
  • Neglected shoulder
    To download the presentation | Mediafire | click here

Sunday 22 May 2011

- Presentation:- Occipito-posterior position.

 Presentation:- Occipito-posterior position.

By: Prof Dr Ahmed Badawy

In this presentation:-
  • What is occipito-posterior?
  • Aetiology of Occipito-posterior position.
  • Diagnosis of Occipito-posterior position.
  • Mechanism of labour in Occipito-posterior position.
  • Management of Occipito-posterior position.

To download the presentation | Mediafire | click here

Friday 20 May 2011

- Presentation:- normal labour.

Presentation:- normal labour.

By: Prof Dr Ahmed Badawy

In this presentation:-
  • What is normal labour?
  • Why labour occurs?
  • Stages of labour.
  • Mechanism of normal labour.
  • Positions.
  • Attitude.
  • Asynclitism.
  • Management of normal labour.
To download the presentation | Mediafire | click here

Tuesday 17 May 2011

- Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication (video).

Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication (video)
Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication (video)
In a fundoplication, the gastric fundus (upper part) of the stomach is wrapped , around the lower end of the esophagus and stitched in place, reinforcing the closing function of the lower esophageal sphincter.

In a Nissen fundoplication,"complete fundoplication", the fundus is wrapped all the way 360 degrees around the esophagus.

This is a video of a Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication
performed by Peter J. Lydon, M.D.
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Friday 13 May 2011

- Child Birth: Stations of Presentation.

Child Birth: Stations of Presentation.

It is the relation of lowermost bony part of the vertex to the ischial spine. or
It is the location of the baby on its descent down into the birth canal.

Negative numbers:- mean the baby is not engaged.
Ppositive numbers:- mean the baby is engaged.

landmark:- is ischial spines which is midway ( ) pelvic inlet and outlet.

* If the baby's head is even with the ischial spines, the station is 0.
* If the baby's head is 1cm above the spines, the station is -1 (2cm above -2 etc).
* If the baby's head is 1cm below the spines (on the way out!), the station is +1 (2cm below +2 etc).
Importance:- Determine whether your baby is close to being born or not.

The next video a certified nurse-midwife Michelle Collins explains Childbirth Stations of Presentation.
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Thursday 28 April 2011

- Sperm Motility grading.

Sperm Motility grading.
Sperm Motility grading.
(Human sperm stained for semen quality testing in the clinical laboratory.)
  • Grade 1: sperm are immotile meaning that they fail to move at all.
  • Grade 2: sperm are labeled as non-progressive motility because they do not move forward despite the fact that they move their tails.
  • Grade 3: sperm (non-linear motility) also move forward but tend to travel in a curved or crooked motion.
  • Grade 4: sperm are known to have progressive motility meaning they are the strongest and swim fast in a straight line.

Ideal sperm quality dictates that a man should have grade 3 or 4 sperm in order to fertilize an egg.

 Dr Ibrahim
Return to list of medical grades (click here) 

Wednesday 27 April 2011

- Placental diseases.

Placental diseases
A placenta disease is a condition where normal function of the placenta is impaired.

"Cinder" ???? ??? ?????? 

Infection (syphilis and TB).
Infarction (PIH,DM,Lupus erythematosis).

Degeneration of placenta:following calcification and infarction.
Erytheroblastosis fetalis.
Retroplacental Heamatoma (abruption placenta).

Dr Ibrahim

Saturday 16 April 2011

- Saint's triad.

Saint's triad.
It is a common association of:-
  1. Gall stones.
  2. Hiatal Hernia
  3. Diverticulosis coli.

Dr Ibrahim
Return to other triads here.

Thursday 14 April 2011

- Malignant Mesothelioma.

Malignant Mesothelioma.
It is a rare form of cancer that develops from the protective lining that covers many of the body's internal organs,known as the mesothelium.
(CXR demonstrating Mesothelioma of left lower lung)
  • Pleura. (is the most common form of the disease, accounting for roughly 70% of cases).
  • Peritoneum.
  • The pericardium (1).
  • The tunica vaginalis.
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Thursday 31 March 2011

- Exercise and COPD.

Exercise and COPD.

  • Exercise and staying active are an important part of rehabilitation for chronic obstructive lung disease.
  • Regular exercise can help you feel less short of breath.
  • Regular exercise improves your heart and muscles.
  • It can help you feel good about yourself.
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Sunday 13 March 2011

- How to use your Metered Dose Inhaler .

How to use your Metered Dose Inhaler .
Many patient don't know how to use MDI and their doctors don't learn them how to use it so it lead to non compliance to treatment and you will lose your patient,so we should learn our patient how to use MDI.

The following video is an excellent video showing us in simple steps how to use Metered Dose Inhaler.. you may need it to learn yourself and your patient.....
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Sunday 6 March 2011

- Adrenergic manifestations of Hypoglycemia.

Adrenergic manifestations of Hypoglycemia
(warning signs of hypoglycemic coma).

Due to release of catecholamines when blood sugar less than 50mg%.

"chat Msn"
Coldness, Clamminess
Hunger pain.

Mydriasis (Dilated pupils).

Dr Ibrahim

Monday 28 February 2011

unhappy triad - O'Donoghue's triad

unhappy triad
or O'Donoghue's triad
or terrible triad

Twisting force in a weight bearing knee joint causes injury to;-
  1. Medial collateral ligament.
  2. Anterior cruciate ligament.
  3. Medial meniscus.
Dr Ibrahim
Return to other triads here.

Saturday 26 February 2011

- Hip Surgery Animation.

Hip Surgery Animation.
This 3D medical animation depicts total hip replacement surgery of the left hip.
The procedure includes the incision, exposure of the hip joint, placement of the acetabular hip prosthetic component (socket), removal of the arthritic femoral head, and placement of the femoral head prosthesis (ball).

Tuesday 22 February 2011

- Anderson's triad.

Anderson's triad
The association of :-
  1. Cystic fibrosis
  2. Celiac disease 
  3. Vitamin A deficiency
Dr Ibrahim
Return to other triads here.

Sunday 20 February 2011

- Meosthelioma Symptoms.

Meosthelioma Symptoms
Dr. Michael Milano explains what mesothelioma is and its symptoms..

Monday 14 February 2011

- Whipple's triad.

Whipple's triad
Whipple's criteria

Suggest a patient's symptoms result from hypoglycemia:-

  1. Symptoms caused by hypoglycemia e.g. during fasting or exercise.
  2. A low plasma glucose measured at the time of the symptoms.
  3. Relief of symptoms with glucose administration.
    Dr Ibrahim
    Return to other triads here.

Thursday 10 February 2011

- Asbestos Lung Cancer.

Asbestos Lung Cancer.
Dr. Michael Milano explains how lung cancer can be caused by asbestos exposure.

Monday 7 February 2011

Presentation:Vaginal Birth after C-section

Vaginal Birth after C-section

In this presentation:-
  • Advantages of VBAC.
  • Disadvantages of attempting VBAC.
  • Uterine rupture: Risk factors,Clinical manifestations,Complications.
  • Absolute contraindications to VBAC.
  • Relative contraindications to VBAC.
  • Success rates for attempted VBAC.
  • Induction of labor in attempted VBAC.

To download the presentation | Mediafire | click here

Dr Ibrahim

Saturday 5 February 2011

- Therapeutic uses of ephederine.

Therapeutic uses of ephedrine.
Chronic bronchial asthma.

Allergic rhinitis(As decongestant).

Mythenia gravis:- 8 mg t.d.s.
Mydriatic eye drops.

Premedication in spinal anesthesia(25-50 mg s.c).
Postural hypotension.

Dr Ibrahim

Saturday 22 January 2011

- TNM Staging of Renal cell carcinoma (illustrated).

TNM Staging of Renal cell carcinoma.
Primary tumor (T):-

T0: No evidence of primary tumor
T1: Tumor 7 cm or less in the largest dimension, Tumor is confined to the kidney (i.e no penetration through the capsule).
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Sunday 16 January 2011

- Presentation:Paediatric Orthopedics.

Presentation: Paediatric Orthopedics.
This is a good presentation which has been powered by:
many thanks for them..

The presentation is about:-
  1. Transient Synovitis Of The Hip.
  2. Coxa vara.
  3. Legg�Calv�Perthes syndrome.
  4. Slipped capital femoral epiphysis.

To download the presentation | Mediafire | click here


Friday 7 January 2011

- Hutchinson�s Triad.

Hutchinson's triad

It is a common pattern of presentation for congenital syphilis.
It consists of :-
  1. Interstitial keratitis
  2. Hutchinson incisors
  3. Eighth nerve deafness.

Dr Ibrahim
Return to other triads here.

Saturday 1 January 2011

- Compound fracture grading - Gustilo-Anderson grading.

Compound fracture grading
Gustilo-Anderson grading.
- Grade I :- clean , less than 1cm wound , minimal soft tissue injury, simple or minimally comminuted fracture.
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