Sunday 7 August 2011

- Causes of gynecomastia.

Causes of gynecomastia.
  • Genetic : klinefelter syndrome.

  • Young boy (puberty): due to transient increase of plasma estradiol.

  • Neonate: due to persistent maternal or placental lactogens.

  • Estrogen and estrogen like drugs (e.g. digitalis).

  • Cirrohosis,Cimetidine,Cytotoxic drugs.

  • Old age(due to conversion of androgen to estrogen in extra glandular tissue),Overactive thyroid (Hyperthyroidism)

  • Myxedema,Marijuana.

  • Acromrgally.

  • Spironolactone,Steroids.

  • Tumour (e.g. testis,adrenal,bronchogenic carcinoma).

  • INH,Iron deposition in testis.

  • Alcoholism.

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