Lambert-Eaton syndrome
Myasthenic-myopayhic syndrome.
Myasthenic-myopayhic syndrome.
- a myasthenic syndrome due to autoimmune orocess targeting the mechanism of releasing A.CH from nerve terminals.
- It often associated with bronchogenic carcinoma or other malignancies.
Proximal weakness,wasting and fatigue but with less common ocular and bulbar affection than Myasthenia.
- EMG:- shows paradoxical increase in successive muscle contractions.
- No significant response to prostigmine,but respond to guanidine HCL 20 mg/Kg/day or prednisolone+imuran.
- No acetylecholine receptor antibodies.
- CXR to determine if associated with bronchogenic carcinoma or not.
- Treatment of the underlying neoplasm.
- Plasmapheresis.
- Immunosuppression.
Dr Ibrahim
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