Monday 27 December 2010

Pediatric Orthopedics Presentations

Absorbable Rods in Salter's Osteotomy
Between Salter's And Pemberton's Osteotomy
Angular and Rotational LL Deformities in Children
Fractures in Children for ER Phisicians
Common Orthopedic Problems in Children
Cerebral Palsy - Concepts and Current Views
Principles of Pediatric Fractures
Principles of Cerebral Palsy
Medical Ethics in The Operating Room
Arthrography-Guided Closed Reduction in CDH
Residual Acetabular Dysplasia
Which Acetabuloplasty in DDH
CDH for students
Hip Examinaton - Mamoun
Hip Spica Table - Home-made
The Cartilaginous Acetabular Angle

source:King Saud University


1 comment:

  1. I do not know if you would be interested in my case.Here is Dr Itua Contact Information, Or He talks on Whatsapp too.
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    I carry a high risk of Lymphoma relapse due to constant exposure to the hepatitis C virus.
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