Friday 30 September 2011

- Heel foreign body X-ray.

Heel foreign body X-ray.

A child presented to Mansoura Emergency Hospital by a needle in heel which not appear on the skin,An X-ray was made and shown this..
Dr Ibrahim samaha

Monday 26 September 2011

- Arterial Doppler Examination.

Arterial Doppler Examination.
An Arterial Doppler evaluates the arterial blood flow of the body. It is used many times to evaluate the arteries of the legs.

It may be ordered when there is suspicion on exam or with symptoms suggestive of blockage of the arteries.

There is no radiation for this test as it uses sound waves and pressure cuffs.

This video shows how to interpret vascular arterial doppler signal wave-forms in a simple and informative fashion.
This is educational especially in teaching how to better utilise a simple hand-held Doppler.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

- Acupuncture.

*Acupuncture is an alternative medicine methodology originating in ancient China that treats patients by manipulating thin, solid needles which have been inserted into acupuncture points in the skin.
The general theory of acupuncture is based on the premise that there are patterns of energy flow (Qi) through the body that are essential for health. Disruptions of this flow are believed to be responsible for disease. Acupuncture may correct imbalances of flow at identifiable points close to the skin. (1)

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Saturday 10 September 2011

- Sher's grading of abruptio placentae.

Sher's grading of abruptio placentae.
(according to severity)
  1. Grade I (Retrospective) Not recognized clinically before delivery: small retroplacental Haematoma discovered on maternal surface of placenta after delivery, No APH.
  2. Grade II mild vaginal bleeding,uterine tenderness and tetany, No fetal distress, no maternal shock.
  3. Grade III Severe vaginal bleeding, uterine tenderness and tetany, fetal distress then death, maternal shock, according to DIC:
                          IIIa:Without DIC
                          IIIb:With DIC
Dr Ibrahim
Return to list of medical grades (click here) 

Monday 5 September 2011

- Total Thyroidectomy.

Total Thyroidectomy.